Super Smoothie

Super Smoothie

Most warm days when I get home from work after going to the gym and my 1.2 mile walk in the sunshine from the train I am craving nutrition in the form of a smoothie. Some days fly by and I haven't had many of the supplements and super items I like to include in my diet. 

This Super Smoothie I also like to call this the Kitchen Sink Smoothie, because I use A LOT of the pantry items. I made it yesterday after work and when Garrett came home he looked at what I was doing and said "I thought we cleaned the kitchen yesterday?" I was standing in the kitchen surrounded by jars, bags, powders, superfoods, and toppings... all the things!

Natural Ways to Heal a Sunburn

Natural Ways to Heal a Sunburn

I don't know about you, but here in Austin, TX... Summer has arrived! I paddle boarding with my dad and husband this past Sunday and even with applying sunscreen I got a little sunburn on my back. Here are three natural home remedies I use to help soothe my sunburns! 

We have been reaching temperatures in the triple digits and the sun is shining! In case you are like me and got a little too much sun don't worry... I am here to help!